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Thursday 11 November 2021

Understanding the Underlying Biology of Inflammatory Skin Disease: Realizing the Future

Date/Time: Thursday 11 November 2021, 02:00 – 03:00 AEDT. Please note this symposium will be replayed at 21:35 – 22:35 AEDT.
No cost to attend with Congress registration.
Presented by Pfizer


Professor Dedee Murrell
ICD 2021 Congress President – University of NSW, Sydney


Professor Dedee Murrell is President of ICD2021. She is the Chair of the Department of Dermatology at St George Hospital at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney. She is the immediate past President of the Australasian Society of Dermatology Research (ASDR), the first elected international board member of the EADV and past Executive Vice President of the International Society of Dermatology.

Professor Murrell has over 350 research publications, has edited six textbooks of dermatology focused on blistering diseases and is founding Co-Editor of the International Journal of Women’s Dermatology. She serves on the editorial boards of the BJD, JEADV, IJD and JAMA Dermatology.

Her research interests include the treatment and pathogenesis of pemphigus, bullous pemphigoid, EBA and Epidermolysis Bullosa. Professor Murrell conducts clinical research in these conditions as well as for atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, genetic and autoimmune skin diseases, acne, rosacea and skin cancer. She has trained over 50 international fellows in dermatology.

Emma Guttman
Waldman Professor and System Chair – Mount Sinai

Dr. Guttman-Yassky is the Sol and Clara Kest professor and Chair in the department of dermatology, at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York. She earned her M.D. from Sackler University, Tel-Aviv, and a Ph.D. from Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel. After her Israeli Board certification in dermatology, Dr. Guttman moved to the U.S. to pursue a postdoctoral fellowship at Rockefeller University and a second dermatology residency at Weill-Cornell in New York. Her major focus is atopic dermatitis and alopecia areata, where she made paradigm-shifting discoveries, enriching their understanding and opening the door to new therapeutics.

Prof Sonja Ständer

Sonja Ständer is professor for Dermatology and Neurodermatology at the Department of Dermatology, and head of the Interdisciplinary Competence Center Chronic Pruritus (KCP) of the University Hospital Münster, Germany.

Prof Rod Sinclair


Professor Rodney Sinclair is a Professor of Dermatology at the University of Melbourne and Director of Epworth Dermatology. He is past-president of the Australasian Society for Dermatology Research, the Australasian Hair and Wool Research Society and the Skin and Cancer Foundation of Victoria.

Professor Sinclair is the co-author of the section on dermatology in the Oxford Textbook of Medicine and lead author of Therapeutic Guidelines – Dermatology. He has written 13 textbooks on dermatology and over 400 research publications to his name. His research is highly cited, and treatment of hair loss receives regular requests for media commentary.

His main research interests are the treatment of hair loss, skin cancer epidemiology, psoriasis, genetic diseases of the skin, autoimmune diseases of the skin, skin immunology and hair and skin stem cell biology. Professor Sinclair conducts clinical research in psoriasis, hair loss and skin cancer prevention and treatment and laboratory research into stem cell biology, regenerative medicine and gene discovery. He is considered a world leader in hair disease, nail disease, psoriasis and skin cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Click here for symposium synopsis


  • Review the history of the development of JAK inhibitors and how understanding of the JAK kinases implicated in a disease’s pathophysiology can help to identify therapeutic targets
  • Understand the function and role of the JAK/STAT pathway in AD and AD-related itch
  • Explore the role of the JAK/STAT pathway in the pathophysiology of other inflammatory skin diseases like alopecia areata and vitiligo

Click here to download the Pfizer symposium flyer

Using RINVOQ (upadacitinib) in clinical practice – learnings from our international colleagues

Date/Time: Thursday 11 November 2021, 11:40 – 12:25 AEDT
No cost to attend with Congress registration.
Presented by AbbVie


Professor Saxon D. Smith (AUS)



Professor Saxon D Smith is a Fellow of the Australasian College of Dermatologists.  He is the principal dermatologist at The Dermatology and Skin Cancer Centre in Gosford and St Leonards, NSW, Australia.  He is a past president of the Australian Medical Association in NSW.

Professor Smith has extensive clinical and research interests including atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa, melanoma, non-melanoma skin cancer, and management of cutaneous adverse drug reactions in oncology and neurology.  During his years as a VMO and Staff Specialist in Dermatology at Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, he also ran specialist clinics in surgical dermatology, hidradenitis suppurativa, and renal transplant cutaneous medicine.

Professor Smith has been a supervisor or auxiliary supervisor for PhD, Masters, Honours and MD research project students. He has over 90 peer reviewed journal publications and over 125 published abstracts.  He has also been involved in multiple pharmaceutical trials from phase II to phase IV. He is a frequent media contributor on topics around skin diseases, skin health and sun protection.

Dr Melinda Gooderham (CAN)

Dr. Gooderham is a Dermatologist and Medical Director at the SKiN Centre for Dermatology and an Investigator with Probity Medical Research. She is an Assistant Professor at Queens University and a Consultant Physician at the Peterborough Regional Health Centre. She is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Dr. Gooderham has been the principal investigator for 170 clinical trials and she practices with a focus on inflammatory diseases of the skin. She also contributes to several peer-reviewed dermatology publications as an associate editor, reviewer, and has been an author of 150 articles. She enjoys lecturing to global audiences on new therapies for skin diseases.
Click here for symposium synopsis

An interactive discussion between a leading Australian Dermatologist with a Canadian Dermatologist discussing experience using upadacitinib with key questions to balance the Australian and Canadian clinical trial experience

Psoriatic disease: Unmet needs and real-world evidence

Date/Time: Thursday 11 November 2021, 16:55 – 17:40 AEDT
No cost to attend with Congress registration.
Presented by Amgen


Professor Peter van de Kerkhof

Senior professor of the Radboud University and Chief Medical Officer of the International Psoriasis Council

Professor Peter CM van de Kerkhof is a senior professor of the Radboud University in the Netherlands and is Chief Medical Officer of the International Psoriasis Council. He started his training in Dermatology and his research on psoriasis in 1979 at the department of dermatology of the Radboud University Medical Centre in Nijmegen the Netherlands. From 1991 until 2018 he served as chair of the department. Under his guidance there was an active program on psoriasis and non-melanoma skin cancer. Prof van de Kerkhof’s research focuses on the pathogenesis and treatment of psoriasis. He has been a principal investigator in many clinical trials and has been a member of international consortia on the positioning of innovative treatments in psoriasis. He has published over 800 papers in peer-reviewed journals.

Associate Professor Peter Foley

Associate Professor Peter Foley is a clinical dermatologist and world-renowned expert on the treatment of psoriasis. He has served on the steering committee of the Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis (GRAPPA). A/Prof Foley currently holds the positions of Associate Professor, Department of Medicine (Dermatology) at The University of Melbourne, Director of Research at the Skin Health Institute and Head, Dermatology Research, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. To date he has been an author on well over 100 peer-reviewed publications, including the reports of many of the pivotal trials of biologics in psoriasis and has been an investigator in over 100 clinical trials, many for new therapies for psoriasis.
Click here for symposium synopsis

Patient-centred care starts with understanding the lived experience of psoriatic disease. World-renowned experts Prof Peter van de Kerkhof and A/Prof Peter Foley will discuss what patients experience living with psoriasis today and how much it has and has not changed over the last decade. For those with high-impact disease, this session will also discuss the experience of apremilast in those patients.

Propaira: an Australian Dermatology Story

Date/Time: Thursday 11 November 2021, 18:20 – 19:05 AEDT
No cost to attend with Congress registration.
Presented by Propaira


Baz Hamo

Proparia CEO Baz Hamo (BSc Pharm, Dipl. Formulation)

Baz is the founder of Propaira and the head of R & D.
He has many years experience in pharmaceutical science and formulation research with a hands-on approach.

Chelle Enriquez 

Dermatology nurse

Australian Dermatology Nurses’ Association – Sydney
Chelle has a special interest in overall skin health, including educating patients about the proper use of skincare to manage their dermatological conditions.
Click here for symposium synopsis

Baz Hamo and Chelle Enriquez discuss the story of Propaira. From its beginnings to it’s national success as a leading Australian R&D dermatology company. Propaira has become the go to company for Australian dermatologists looking for research based tailored skincare, sunscreens and supplements for their practices.

From Noise to Signal in Psoriasis

Date/Time: Thursday 11 November 2021, 19:00 – 20:00 AEDT. Please note this symposium will be replayed Saturday 13 November 2021, 05:50 – 06:50 AEDT.
No cost to attend with Congress registration.
Presented by UCB


Prof Jo Lambert, Belgium


Jo Lambert is a senior full professor in dermatology and venereology, and academic chair of the Department of Dermatology at Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. She is a member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium, board member of the Fondation René Touraine (FRT) Scientific Committee, chair of the EADV Psoriasis Task Force, and was previously president of the Skin Inflammation and Psoriasis International Network of the FRT and the Royal Belgian Society of Dermatology and Venereology. Her research interests lie in the improvement of care in immune-mediated inflammatory skin disorders through an evidence-based integrated approach.

Dr Diana Rubel, Australia

Diana is a consultant dermatologist in private practice at Woden Dermatology, Canberra, a visiting medical officer at The Canberra Hospital, and Senior Lecturer at the Australian National University (ANU).

She completed her undergraduate medical degree (1988) and postgraduate Diploma in Paediatrics (1992) at the University of NSW, her Masters of Medicine (specialising in cutaneous immunology) at Sydney University (1995) and completed her Postgraduate Specialist training in Dermatology (Australasian College of Dermatologists’ fellowship) in 1998.

She has over 15 years’ experience at the Skin and Cancer Foundation, Darlinghurst, Sydney, and has been a Staff Specialist at the Sydney Childrens Hospital for 10 years.

Her goal is to excel in patient care and service to her patients, her referring doctors and her staff. She is passionate about consistently delivering high quality care to all patients, and has developed special interests in skin cancer management, paediatric dermatology, acne, psoriasis, cosmetic dermatology and clinical trials.

Dr Kilian Eyerich, Germany/Sweden

Kilian Eyerich is chair and professor for Dermatology and Venereology at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, as well as Heisenberg professor for Dermato-Immunology at the Technical University Munich, Germany. His scientific interest is the interaction of adaptive immune cells and resident epithelial cells in inflammatory skin diseases. His vision is to revise the disease ontology of inflammatory and autoimmune skin diseases based on a clinically meaningful molecular basis.

Kilian Eyerich is PI in numerous translational research projects and clinical trials in the field. He has published more than 150 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine as well as journals of the Nature and Science group. His work received numerous awards such as two European Research Council grants and a Heisenberg professorship.  He serves as board member and advisor of numerous academic and private organisations such as being deputy editor of the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.

Click here for symposium synopsis

This symposium will deep dive into the needs, challenges, and expectations of patients with psoriasis, analysing how these factors can impact treatment targets and overall improve patient outcomes. Furthermore, this symposium will discuss the pathophysiology and fundamental drivers of psoriasis and how this leads to improvements in patient care.

Redefining psoriatic patient outcomes: Is it time to re-evaluate our treatment goals?

Date/Time: Thursday 11 November 2021, 20:00 – 21:00 AEDT. Please note this symposium will be replayed on Saturday 13 November 10:00 – 10:40 AEDT.
No cost to attend with Congress registration.
Presented by Janssen


A/Prof Chris Baker (Chair)


Associate Professor Chris Baker AM is the Director of Dermatology at St. Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne and a Consultant Dermatologist in private practice in Melbourne. A graduate of The University of Melbourne, Chris trained at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne and St. Thomas’ Hospital, London. He is a fellow of the Australasian College of Dermatologists and the Royal College of Physicians (London).

Chris served as Dean of Education and Chief Examiner for the Australasian College of Dermatologists and is a past president of the College. He is a Clinical Associate Professor at The University of Melbourne. He is also past president and board member of the Skin and Cancer Foundation (now Skin Health Institute), Melbourne. He is co-founder of the Australasian Psoriasis Registry and is the Australian Representative on the Psoriasis Global Atlas project.

A/Prof Andrew Miller
Bsc (Medicine) (Hons), MBBS (Hons), FACD


A/Prof Andrew Miller is the former President of the Australasian College of Dermatologists. He has worked in private practice for over 20 years, including as a Visiting Medical Officer at both Calvary Hospital and Canberra Hospital, where he is head of the dermatology department.

A/Prof Miller is a member of the Australian Medical Association (AMA) ‐ Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Board and formerly on the AMA Federal Council as well as a Director of the Council of Presidents of Medical Colleges. He was President of the ACT Australian Medical Association (AMA) from 2012 to 2014. He teaches at the Australian National University Medical School, Canberra, and supervises vocational trainees of the Australasian College of Dermatologists.

In 2018 A/Prof Miller was made a member of the General Division of the Order of Australia for his contribution to the field of Dermatology and professional organisations. In 2019 he was awarded the Australiasian College of Dermatology Silver medal in recognition of outstanding services to the college and the wider dermatology community. A/Prof Miller continues to dedicate time to multiple task forces and consultancy roles, including but not limited to Sandos, Novartis, Jansen, GMA and the National Prescribing Service.In addition to A/Prof Miller’s private practice in Canberra, he conducts rural outreach clinics in Young and Batemans Bay, NSW on a regular basis.He is a passionate advocate for ensuring all Australians look after their skin health.

Prof Peter Nash


Peter Nash is Professor in the School of Medicine at Griffith University, Queensland, and Director of the Rheumatology Research Unit on the Sunshine Coast. Prof Nash has Chaired the Professional Affairs Committee, the Therapeutics Committee , the NHMRC musculoskeletal panels as well as serving on the Scientific Advisory Committee and ASMPOC of the Australian Rheumatology Association. He is a former member of the Therapeutics Committee of the Australia and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society. He remains on the International Steering Committee for GRAPPA. He is on the editorial board of Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases and RMD Open.

Prof. Nash and his group at the Rheumatology Research Unit have been involved in the pivotal registration clinical trials for all modern targeted biologic therapies and osteoporosis therapies. He has published more than 200 peer-reviewed papers and 5 book chapters, and was recently recognised as Australian rheumatology leader for citations in the top 20 rheumatology journals over the last 5 years. Special interests include metabolic bone disease and novel therapeutics.

Click here for symposium synopsis

A combined dermatologist and rheumatologist perspective on the impact of psoriatic arthritis on patients with psoriasis. This symposium will provide clinical evidence for TREMFYA (guselkumab) in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, followed by panel discussion

Friday 12 November 2021

Otezla (apremilast): Making headway in scalp psoriasis

Date/Time: Friday 12 November 2021, 10:38 – 11:25 AEDT
No cost to attend with Congress registration.
Presented by Amgen


Dr Kim Papp


Dr. Kim Papp is a Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. He has over 25 years’ experience as a Principal Investigator, supported by Probity Medical Research – an organization for which he serves as Founder and President.  With PMRs support, he has conducted over 170 psoriasis studies in which he closely supervised and assessed more than 2800 subjects.   He has earned the distinction of top enrolling investigator in over 70 international dermatology studies. Dr Papp’s research and guidance has been instrumental in developing numerous therapeutic agents in dermatology.  He has authored over 275 publications.  Of note, Dr. Papp continues to see patients in a general clinic setting.

Dr Annika Smith

Dr Annika Smith is a Fellow of the Australasian College of Dermatologists and Consultant Dermatologist at St Vincent’s and Westmead Hospitals and several private clinics in Sydney, including the Melanoma Institute and the Skin Hospital Darlinghurst. Annika completed her Dermatology training at St Vincent’s hospital and the Skin Hospital Darlinghurst, following completion of her Physician’s training in General Medicine at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and Royal North Shore Hospital. Annika has a special interest in complex medical dermatology along with skin cancer diagnostics, management and prevention. Dr Smith has been published in local and international dermatology journals, has presented at national and international conferences and has co-authored several book chapters in the field of dermatology.
Click here for symposium synopsis

This session is all about thinking with the head in mind, as international STYLE investigator Dr Kim Papp and local expert Dr Annika Smith discuss the management of scalp psoriasis. Despite being an area with high burden of disease, it’s also an area that is tricky to treat. Join Dr Papp and Dr Smith for a discussion on the use of apremilast in patients with moderate to severe scalp psoriasis from the clinical trials to the real world.

Revolutionary Radiation Therapy for Extensive Skin Field Cancerisation

Date/Time: Friday 12 November 2021, 13:20 – 14:20 AEDT. Please note this symposium will be replayed Saturday 13 November 2021, 1:20 – 2:20 AEDT.
No cost to attend with Congress registration.
Presented by GenesisCare


Dr Lynda Spelman (Dermatologist; FACD)



Dr. Lynda Spelman is a graduate of the University of Queensland and Fellow of the Australasian College of Dermatologists, she has worked as a specialist dermatologist in Australia for more than 20 years. Dr Spelman is a founder and the current Chair of the Queensland Skin and Cancer Trust. She is also a founder and co-director of the Queensland Institute of Dermatology, a not-for-profit organisation devoted to training, research and the provision of specialist dermatological services to patients across Queensland.

Dr Spelman has an extensive 25 year history of involvement in clinical research, most recently as the Principal Investigator at Veracity Clinical Research. This research pioneers new and innovative treatments for her patient’s with complex dermatological conditions, such as atopic dermatitis, chronic plaque psoriasis, basal cell carcinoma and other inflammatory skin disorders.

Dr Spelman is the principal investigator on The National Dermatology Radiation Oncology Registry (NDROR) is a human research Registry that collects and collates information from patients referred for radiotherapy for the management of non-melanoma and melanoma skin cancer and difficult to manage inflammatory skin diseases.

Dr Patrick Francke (Radiation Oncologist; MD FACRO)


Dr Francke is a Radiation Oncologist who completed his residency at the University of Kentucky Medical Center, and is now the medical director of Radiation Oncology at GenesisCare, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA.

Dr Francke has published and lectured on many topics relating to radiation therapy applications to cancer. His publications cover several randomized clinical trials investigating strategies to improve the dosimetry and toxicity profiles of novel radiation modalities for the treatment of malignancies.

He has more than 20 years of clinical experience and serves on several committees and panels with professional organizations including the American College of

Radiation Oncology, American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, and the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO).

Associate Professor Stephen Shumack (Dermatologist; OAM FACD)

Professor Stephen Shumack is a general Dermatologist who has over 30 years experience in managing a broad range of dermatological conditions.

He is a Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology at the University of Sydney, and Senior Staff Specialist at the Royal North Shore Hospital of Sydney. He is also the Chair of the Board of the Skin and Cancer Foundation Australia. He is a past President of the Australasian College of Dermatologists, and he is on the Editorial Board of the Australasian Journal of Dermatology, having previously been the Editor in Chief. He also was Chair of the recent Cancer Council Australia Keratinocyte Cancer Guidelines Revision Committee. He is a current member of the Board of the International League of Dermatological Societies and is the Vice Treasurer of that organization. He is also Vice Chair of the International Foundation for Dermatology.

Professor Shumack also runs a clinical research arm at his private practice in Sydney. This is under the umbrella of Probity Medical Research. He has published and spoken widely on many aspects of dermatological care including psoriasis, eczema and skin cancer diagnosis, management and research.

He has been awarded the Order of Australia Medal in 2011 for his services to Dermatology and the Community, the Silver Medal from the Australasian College of Dermatologists, and the Foundation Medal from the Skin and Cancer Foundation Australia.

Click here for symposium synopsis

The global incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC), particularly keratinocyte carcinoma (KC), continues to increase. Whilst several effective treatments exist for individual lesions, long-term solutions are lacking for patients with increasingly severe skin field cancerization. These patients require continual and increasing interventions as they age and develop more symptomatic disease, including NMSCs.

Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) is a modern widefield radiation technique that enables the precise targeting of large, curved surfaces with minimal dosing to healthy tissue. VMAT is yielding excellent result for patients with severe skin field cancerization who have failed other therapies.

We will be showcasing some of the promising results that are possible for patients with severe disease, for whom other treatments had failed or were no longer practical.

Addressing Unmet Patient Needs in Psoriasis: Women’s Health and Long-Term Disease Control

Date/Time: Friday 12 November 2021, 15:25 – 16:10 AEDT
No cost to attend with Congress registration.
Presented by UCB


Prof. Pablo Fernández-Peñas

Sydney Medical School, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia


Professor Pablo Fernández-Peñas is the Head of Dermatology at the Westmead Hospital in Sydney, Australia, as well as the Co-Head of the Discipline of Dermatology at the University of Sydney. He co-leads the Melanoma and Skin Cancer Group, at the Westmead Institute for Medical Research, and is the New South Wales lead for the ACRF Australian Centre of Excellence in Melanoma Imaging and Diagnosis.

Professor Fernández-Peñas specialises in oncodermatology, immunology, quality of life in dermatology and information technologies. He has over 180 publications and has participated in the development of more than 50 clinical trials, many of which were carried out in the Dermatology Clinical Trials and Research Unit, which he founded.

Dr Lynda Spelman

Veracity Clinical Research, Queensland, Australia

Dr Lynda Spelman is one of the founders and the current Chair of the Queensland Skin and Cancer Trust, in Australia, as well as the Founder and Director of the Queensland Institute of Dermatology. She completed her Fellowship at the Australasian College of Dermatologists in 1993, after obtaining a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery degree from the University of Queensland.

Dr Spelman has more than 25 years of experience in dermatological clinical research. Her cutting-edge research involves the development of new and innovative treatments for dermatological indications including chronic plaque psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, basal cell carcinoma and inflammatory skin disorders. She is also the Principal Investigator of Veracity Clinical Research, a dermatology clinical research company investigating inflammatory skin conditions.

Dr Sandy McBride

Consultant Dermatologist, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Dr Sandy McBride is a consultant dermatologist at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust. She currently serves as the dermatology lead for the Royal Free psycho-dermatology service and is a member of the British Association of Dermatologists psycho-dermatology working party.

Dr McBride has a special interest in psoriasis and the psychological impact of skin conditions. As well as performing general dermatology, she leads a multi-disciplinary psoriasis service which aims to provide holistic care to people with psoriasis.

Click here for symposium synopsis

Women with psoriasis have a range of unique unmet needs, with higher subjective disease burden and psychological impact compared to male patients.1 This symposium will discuss the importance of aiming for a long-term impact of treatment using data from certolizumab pegol trials. Focus will be given to the life impact of psoriasis on women and specific challenges for managing this patient population, particularly those of childbearing age. The importance of shared decision-making and partnership between the patient and healthcare professional will also be highlighted.

  1. Gottlieb AB, et al. Int J Womens Dermatol. 2019;5(3):141–150.

Impact of COVID-19 on the Assessment and Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis

Date/Time: Friday 12 November 2021, 19:00 – 19:45 AEDT
No cost to attend with Congress registration.
Presented by Sanofi




Emma Guttman-Yassky, MD, PhD is the Waldman Professor and System Chair of Dermatology and Immunology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. She is the Director of the Center for Excellence in Eczema and the Occupational Dermatitis Clinic and Director of the Laboratory for Inflammatory Skin Diseases. She earned her MD degree from Sackler School of Medicine at the Tel-Aviv University, and a PhD degree from the Bar-Ilan University, Israel. After obtaining her Israeli Board certification in dermatology at Rambam Medical Centre/Technion, Israel, Dr. Guttman moved to the U.S. to pursue a two-year postdoctoral fellowship at The Rockefeller University in the Laboratory for Investigative Dermatology. Upon completion of her fellowship, she became board-certified by the American Board of dermatology after a second dermatology residency training at the Weill-Cornell Medical College, in NY. Dr. Guttman’s major clinical and research focus areas are atopic dermatitis (AD)/eczema and alopecia areata. Her research made paradigm-shifting discoveries on the immunologic basis of atopic dermatitis (AD)/eczema in adults and children with atopic dermatitis, enriching the understanding of the pathophysiology of this common disorder, opening the door and accelerating testing of novel immune, pathway-specific drugs in this disease. She is now testing (both clinically and mechanistically) multiple targeted therapeutics for atopic dermatitis that target Th2, Th22, and Th17/IL-23 axis. Recently Dr. Guttman also extended her research interest to hair loss disorders such as alopecia areata and scarring hair loss disorders, chronic hand eczema, keloids, ichtyosis, and other skin diseases, in which her findings are also translated to novel therapeutic targets. Dr. Guttman is considered one of the world’s leading experts in inflammatory skin diseases. Her achievements have been repeatedly highlighted by the media including the New York Times, ABC News, CBS News, Daily News, Reuters, Wall Street Journal, NY1, and others.

Dr. Guttman divides her time between a busy clinic, where she sees patients from all over the US and the world, that are coming to seek her advice in treating inflammatory skin diseases, and her growing laboratory that focuses on research on the mechanisms underlying inflammatory skin diseases, leading to novel treatments for these patients. She co-founded the International Eczema Council (IEC), for which she functions as president since early 2018. Dr. Guttman received many national and international awards, including the American Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (AAAAI) Award for Scientific Innovation, American Academy of Dermatology Young Investigator awards, and others. She was elected as a member to the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI), as well as the American Dermatological Society (ADA). Dr. Guttman is often invited as a keynote speaker to international and national meetings, and authored ~240 peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Guttman is also the co-organizer of the Inflammatory Skin Disease Summit, that is considered one of the most successful meetings in dermatology

Click here for symposium synopsis

Symposium will focus on the impact of COVID-19 on the assessment and treatment of atopic dermatitis. The goal of the symposium is for the viewers to understand the latest findings and guidance relating to the impact of COVID-19 on the management of patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis.

The pursuit of clear: Are psoriasis patients more than just a PASI score?

Date/Time: Friday 12 November 2021, 20:00 – 21:00 AEDT
No cost to attend with Congress registration.
Presented by Janssen


Dr Annika Smith (Chair)

Dr Annika Smith is a Fellow of the Australasian College of Dermatologists and Consultant Dermatologist at St Vincent’s and Westmead Hospitals and several private clinics in Sydney, including the Melanoma Institute and the Skin Hospital Darlinghurst. Annika completed her Dermatology training at St Vincent’s hospital and the Skin Hospital Darlinghurst. She undertook a training year at the prestigious St John’s Institute of Dermatology London, followed by further sub-specialty training in New York. Annika has a special interest in complex medical dermatology, including clinical and research interests in Psoriasis, along with skin cancer diagnostics, management and prevention. Dr Smith has been published in local and international dermatology journals, has presented at national and international conferences and has co-authored several book chapters in the field of dermatology.

Prof Fernández-Peñas:

Professor Pablo Fernández-Peñas is the Head of Dermatology at the Westmead Hospital in Sydney, Australia, as well as the Co-Head of the Discipline of Dermatology at the University of Sydney. He co-leads the Melanoma and Skin Cancer Group, at the Westmead Institute for Medical Research, and is the New South Wales lead for the ACRF Australian Centre of Excellence in Melanoma Imaging and Diagnosis. Professor Fernández-Peñas specialises in oncodermatology, immunology, quality of life in dermatology and information technologies. He has over 180 publications and has participated in the development of more than 50 clinical trials, many of which were carried out in the Dermatology Clinical Trials and Research Unit, which he founded.

A/Prof Gillian Marshman

A/Prof Gillian Marshman is a Consultant Dermatologist, at William House Dermatology, Flinders University & Flinders Medical Centre. Her academic interests and projects have included a collaborative project with the University of Undana Medical School, Prof Johannes Hospital and the public health department. describing scabies prevalence in regional NTT. She is currently assisting in the development of a data base relating to leprosy. Gillian has been involved in teaching medical students, junior doctors, other specialists and mentoring doctors in the areas of recognition of skin disorders, effective treatment and wider public health implications of dermatological diseases in the community. She has been involved in supporting the development of a multidisciplinary cancer service at Prof Johannes Hospital in Kupang and is committed to engaging with doctors, nurses and the community to improve access to effective health care at all levels in NTT.
Click here for symposium synopsis

Over the past 10 years, rapid advances in managing psoriasis have occurred. Previously, patients and physicians believed that getting over three-quarters of skin clear was a success, but current treatments allow patients to achieve completely clear skin.

Join as our presenters will explore what is now important to both patients and physicians to address their changing needs and concerns.

Saturday 13 November 2021

Atopic skin: a close-up on skin barrier dysfunction

Date/Time: Saturday 13 November 2021, 09:15 – 10:00 AEDT
No cost to attend with Congress registration.
Presented by NAOS


Associate Professor John Su




Associate Professor John Su MBBS, MEpi (Melb), MA (Syd), MSt (Cantab), MBA (Dunelm), FRACP, FACD is double boarded in dermatology and paediatrics. He undertook medical training at the University of Melbourne, where he also completed studies in epidemiology before pursuing postgraduate studies at Cambridge and Durham universities. Following specialist training, he was awarded the Florence bequest for post-fellowship training at the Children’s Memorial Hospital, Chicago. He is Clinical Director of Dermatology at Eastern Health (Melbourne) and consults at the children’s skin services of the Royal Children’s Hospital (dermatology and laser), Austin Health, Peninsula Health, Monash Health and Western Health. He holds adjunct positions at Monash University, Eastern Health and in paediatrics at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, University of Melbourne. He is a member of the Australasian Paediatric Dermatology Group, the international taskforce of the Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance (PeDRA), the ISAD OPENED task force, and a councillor of the International Eczema Council. Dr Su has been a principal investigator in many clinical trials and has published on atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, haemangiomas and vascular malformations, and genetic and systemic skin diseases. He has a special interest also in children’s quality of life.

Dr Katherine Armour

Dermatology Institute of Victoria


Dr Katherine Armour is a medical and cosmetic dermatologist.  Her subspeciality interests include biologic treatments to treat inflammatory diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, and urticaria,  and prevention and treatment of skin aging through the use of cosmeceuticals and energy-based devices. Katherine is on numerous advisory boards with regard to pharmaceuticals to treat inflammatory skin disease.  She has a longstanding interest in both biologic therapies and the formulation of skincare. In private practice, she consults at the Dermatology Institute of Victoria. She has posts at the Skin Health Institute, and the Alfred Hospital, where she attends biologics, photobiology, and general dermatology clinics.  Katherine is a member of the Australasian Society of Cosmetic Dermatologists, the Australasian Psoriasis Collaboration, and, the International Psoriasis Council.  Katherine is widely published in the dermatology literature, and is a frequent speaker at scientific meetings in the realms of  cosmetic and medical dermatology.

Dr Rodrigo Roldán

San Ángel Inn University Hospital


Dr Rodrigo Roldán, MD, Associate Professor and Head of the Dermato-Oncology Clinic Medical School of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Rodrigo received his medical degree from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in Mexico City. He completed 2 years of residency in Internal Medicine at Hospital Español de México before switching to Dermatology training for 3 years at Hospital General “Dr. Manuel Gea González” in Mexico City. He is board-certified in Dermatology by the Consejo Mexicano de Dermatologia and performed a research summer at NIAMS, NIH in Bethesda, Maryland under Dr. Stephen Katz supervision. As well as a 3-year Fellowship at the Melanoma Unit in Hospital Clínic in Barcelona, Spain where he trained in dermoscopy, reflectance confocal microscopy and other non-invasive diagnostic techniques for prompt melanoma detection. Rodrigo is a International member of the American Academy of Dermatology, European Association of Dermato-Oncology, International Dermoscopy Society, Mexican Academy of Dermatology, Mexican Dermatology Society and Mexican Dermato-Oncology Surgical Society. He is also a member of the National Research System of CONACYT in Mexico. Rodrigo is an avid classical and jazz music listener and piano player, sports fan and traveler.
Click here for symposium synopsis

Prof. Su will give an update on AD and skin barrier dysfunctions in atopic skin. Followed by Dr. Armour who will discuss the role of dermatological skincare in the overall management of AD and lastly, Dr. Roldán Marín will present a study using confocal microscopy on patients with AD.

Racial/ethnic Variations in the Skin Barrier

Date/Time: Saturday 13 November 2021, 10:20 – 11:05 AEDT.
No cost to attend with Congress registration.
Presented by L’Oréal


Andrew F. Alexis

Professor of Clinical Dermatology – Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University

Click here for symposium synopsis

This presentation will provide a closer look at the skin barrier in the skin of color patient. Although conflicting data exists, several studies have confirmed key differences in the skin barrier when comparing different ethnicities. It will discuss both the clinical and cultural significance of moisturizers in skin of color patients. And also decode skincare formulations and ingredients.