+61 2 9265 0700 ifea2026@arinexgroup.com

About the Co-host society

The Asia-Pacific Society for Alcohol and Addiction Research



Promoting excellence in research on alcohol, addiction and related phenomena in Asia-Pacific region.

APSAAR is a nonprofit corporation organized exclusively for charitable, educational and scientific purposes.

Mission statement

  • To promote research on alcohol, addiction and related phenomena;
  • To disseminate information, empirical data and theories about questions and issues related to problems resulting from or coincident with alcohol use and addiction;
  • To promote the training and exchange of scientists and trainees who are studying and researching problems related to alcohol and addiction;
  • To advise national governments and international agencies on problems in, and research on, alcohol, addiction and related phenomena;
  • To promote the spirit of fraternity and international cooperation among and through its members through various means, including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the organization of international scientific meetings, the printing, publication, distribution and dealing in newspapers, magazines, books, periodicals and printed matter of all kinds, and the organization of seminars, workshops and clinics;
  • To acquire, accept, solicit and receive by purchase, lease, contract, donation, legacy, gift, grant, bequest, or otherwise, any kind of real or personal property and to enter into and carry out agreements, contracts and undertakings incidental thereto; and
  • To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.

To learn more about APSAAR, please visit www.apsaar.org